AV Rock Supply — Rock Supply articles information media
October 31, 2022

Paisajismo de su jardín con rocas decorativas

Las rocas decorativas son uno de los elementos más flexibles y disponibles para la renovación del paisaje. Transforman su paisaje de ordinario a extraordinario. El uso […]
October 31, 2022

Using Sand in Landscaping Your Yard

Sand is a versatile natural landscaping material that can transform your yard from monotonous to beach-like or hectic to calming and visually appealing. With creativity, sand […]
October 31, 2022

Uso de arena en el diseño de jardines

Arena es un material natural y versátil para el diseño de jardines que puede transformar su jardín de monótono parecido a una playa o agitado a […]
October 31, 2022

Landscape Maintenance

Landscaping maintenance, also referred to as grounds keeping, is mainly about ensuring your courtyard is clean, attractive, and safe. When you invest your money and time […]
October 31, 2022

Mantenimiento del paisaje

El mantenimiento del paisaje, también conocido como mantenimiento de terrenos, se trata principalmente de garantizar que su patio esté limpio, atractivo y seguro. Cuando invierte su […]
June 5, 2021

Types of rock to use for your waterfall design

Waterfalls are not complex to create, you only need the right combination of rocks and designing expertise. The two main considerations should be the designing and […]
June 5, 2021

Ways to incorporate sand in your playground design

Sand is flexible and can keep kids busy for endless hours. They can doodle on it, create shapes, form balls to throw at each other, and […]
June 5, 2021

Enhance your landscape’s curb appeal

Do you feel a sense of pride when you step outside your door? Do people lust after your garden and patio? No? Here’s what you can […]
June 5, 2021

Things to consider for a terrarium design

Terrariums are great for individuals who are interested in getting a taste of indoor gardening without too much hustle. They require minimal maintenance and minimal space […]
June 5, 2021

When should I use compost soils?

Soils rich with compost have multiple benefits. It also acts as a buffer to the soil maintaining acid-alkaline balance. Compost also promotes better water retention and […]