Using Boulders in Your Landscape — AV Rock Supply
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October 31, 2022
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Using Boulders in Your Landscape

Many homeowners have embraced landscaping with boulders to add charm to their yards. They have incorporated boulders in their lawns because they offer a natural way to bring color and character to their landscape and are cheap to maintain or completely maintenance-free. Large rocks can be placed in gardens or used on their own as eye-catching focal points. The type of rock you choose determines how your boulders will be used, the aesthetic you are going for in your yard, and how much you are willing to spend. To enable you to spend less, it is good to choose local rocks. Color is an important feature when landscaping with boulders which come in all kinds of unique natural colors you can choose from.

Group Boulders in Clusters

A lone boulder seems odd and misplaced. You can can group the boulders in threes by placing two boulders close to each other and a third close by. Boulders are rarely found alone in the wild, so grouping them gives a more natural look.

Arrange or Position Boulders Strategically

There are unique ways of positioning boulders. Boulders can lay flat while others reach for the sky. They can be arranged in vertical positions where they sit taller than they do wide.

A ground cover used around a well-positioned rock can bring an appealing effect. At Paradise Landscape Centers, we have the right best selection of boulders for you to choose from.

Set Your Boulders into the Ground

Naturally, boulders don’t hover atop the earth; only a portion of the rock is revealed. We create the same effect at home by ensuring the boulders are set a few inches below grade. The size and shape determine how deep a boulder should be buried. A boulder with a large, flat side gives an attractive natural effect to the garden bed if the side is exposed.

Surround Boulders with Gravel

To hold a boulder in position and prevent it from shifting, we use a bed of gravel below the boulders. It can come in handy when arranging a boulder in a dramatic technique. You can think of the gravel as a natural mulch for the flowerbed.

Show Off Boulders With Garden Lighting.

It is an amazing way to maintain the curb appeal of your landscaping boulders throughout the night. The lights can be pointed at the front yard borders to highlight their shape and texture. Two or three lights can be placed around the boulders to bring out the different sides of the boulder and its complete size.

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